Mr Pallas is our Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator). If you would like to arrange a meeting with him to discuss your child, please do so by using the following email address: or by calling 01670 823 171.
Our SEND Link Governor is Ivan Hewitt.
On this page you will find our SEND Policy, SEND Information Report and Accessibility Policy.Â
As part of the Government's reforms around special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), local authorities are required to publish a local offer showing the support available to disabled children and young people and those with SEND and their families/carers. Northumberland's local offer can be found at:
If you are looking for impartial advice around Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or looking for additional support, you can contact Northumberland Information, Advice and Support Service:
Other useful links that might be helpful are:
The Toby Henderson Trust:Â
The Autism Hub:
Northumberland Council SEND Section:
Disability Matters:
SEND Code of Practice: 0-25 years: